For a Houston Without Homelessness

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Page Photo - HistorySEARCH was founded in 1989 by a group of concerned citizens and volunteers in response to the growing number of men, women, and children living on the streets of Houston. Initially, the organization served as a day shelter offering meals, showers, and laundry service.

Today, SEARCH has become the region’s leading agency in helping people move from the streets into jobs and safe, stable housing and break free from the cycle of poverty and homelessness.

Our efforts now go beyond meeting basic needs to ensuring that our clients obtain permanent housing, increase their income, and live a more healthful life. We place our clients in a stable home and then provide extensive case management and wrap-around services to help them stabilize their lives in order to remain housed.

In 1992, SEARCH opened our preschool, the House of Tiny Treasures, in response to the need for our adult clients to have a safe, nurturing environment for their children while they were looking for a job or going back to school. What began as a traditional day care has evolved into an award-winning early childhood education center dedicated to serving children and families of homelessness.

Page Photo - History

Your involvement and support are critical to SEARCH’s success. Please join our mission of providing hope, creating opportunity, and transforming lives by donating today.

Thank you for being part of SEARCH’s mission and for helping us realize our vision of a Houston without homelessness.

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Picnic in the Park

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